The St. Mary’s County Amateur Radio Association has been active in southern Maryland for over 60 years. We maintain a club station K3HKI at the Patuxent River Naval Air Museum & Visitors Center and have monthly meetings at the museum or the Hollywood Volunteer Fire Department. Please check our calendar to see where our next meeting will be held and other details and events. Our meetings vary from month to month. Most meetings start with a presentation related to amateur radio or other educational topic. We participate in ARRL sponsored events, have members who are interested in almost every aspect of amateur radio, have a weekly net, provide communication support for local events, support STEM, maintain an email list server, meet monthly for breakfast at a local restaurant and help one another with information and tackling big projects like raising towers and hanging antennas, and much more. Please look around our website. If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected].

Want to join or renew your membership? Please fill out an application online and submit directly to us. Click link below to go to a secure website.

Online SMCARA Membership Form

Below is a PDF version of our Membership Form. We prefer our members use the easier, faster electronic version above. If you choose to use the PDF version, please email the form to [email protected] or give to a board member at the next meeting or event you attend. Thanks!

PDF SMCARA Membership Form

SMCARA is an Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL) affiliated club. You do not need to be an ARRL member to join SMCARA, although we do strongly encourage joining them to show your support for all that they do for Amateur Radio. As found on the ARRL Membership page, “ARRL supports legislation in Washington, D.C. that preserves and protects access to existing Amateur Radio frequencies as a natural resource for the enjoyment of all hams. As a member, you contribute to the efforts to preserve our privileges.” There is no more important advocate for Amateur Radio.

As you consider becoming an ARRL member or renewing your ARRL membership please consider doing it through the club. Here is why:

ARRL Affiliated Clubs receive a commission for every new ARRL membership and renewal they submit to ARRL Headquarters.
  • Clubs retain a portion of the dues for each regular membership submitted to ARRL Headquarters:
    • Clubs retain $15 for each new membership OR lapsed membership (of two years or more). A NEW MEMBER is defined as any individual who has never been a member of ARRL or any individual who has not retained a membership for two or more calendar years prior to the application submission.
    • Clubs retain $2 for each renewal. A RENEWING MEMBER can renew at anytime, even before their current membership term expires.
  • Family, Blind or 21-and-under discounted memberships are not applicable for any discount.

If you’d like to Join or Renew with the ARRL through SMCARA please fill out the following PDF (Membership Application ARRL) and either email or mail it to the club address listed below (or give to a board member during a club meeting). You only need to fill out the first page, the second page will be filled out by the club treasurer and your payment and paperwork will be sent to the ARRL.

Email to:
[email protected]

Mail to:
PO Box 364
California, MD 20619