ARES Simulated Emergency Test (SET)

The ARES team is going to participate in the Simulated Emergency Test (SET) taking place this Sat, 10/2 starting at 0930. Since this is also the monthly club breakfast, we’ll kick this off after the breakfast is over. We’ll “meet” on the 147.195 (PL: 156.7) repeater at 0930 for a roll call at which time I’ll brief on the scenario and hand out assignments.  Be prepared to drive to a location or two, have a primary and a backup radio and if you are able, digital/Winlink & APRS capability.

If you plan to participate, please send me an email so I can get a good head count. Also, if you have APRS capability, let me know so I can track you during the event and get some screen shots for the report.

As an added bonus this year, we are going to search for a few Geocache sites in St. Mary’s County, much like we did with the water gauges in the 2020 SET. If you are not familiar with this, it is a hobby where people hide containers that contain paper logs, etc then publish the coordinates to find them. All that is needed to find them is a free smart phone app for Apple or Android (look for “Geocaching” from Groundspeak). This is not mandatory for SET participation this year, if you would prefer, I can just give you an assignment that does not involve working with Geocache. If so, let me know when you email me for the head count.

Hope to see a number of you on Saturday, should be a fun and productive morning!

73, Rob – N2OMC