Monthly HAM Breakfast

CQ, CQ, CQ, All members and friends of the St. Mary's County Amateur Radio Association (SMCARA)! Please consider joining me at our local I-Hop this coming Saturday morning at 0800 for our monthly event. ; - ).  A head count before the weekend would be helpful but not required. Walk in's always welcomed. de W3GYT […]


FREE WEEKEND HAM RADIO CLASS Get your Technician class license in a weekend! (I truly don’t have anything better to do than teach you radio!) Feb. 4-5, 2023. FREE and taught via Zoom. Saturday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. PST Sunday 8 a.m. – noon PST Email name, phone, and email for each attendee. […]


Get your Technician class license in a weekend! (I truly don’t have anything better to do than teach you radio!) Feb. 4-5, 2023. FREE and taught via Zoom. Saturday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. PST Sunday 8 a.m. – noon PST Email name, phone, and email for each attendee. I’m also a BSA merit […]

SMCARA Weekly Net

CQ CQ CQ    The SMCARA weekly net will be held tonight at 1930 on the 146.640 MHz Repeater (Negative Offset, PL 146.2) Located in Lexington Park, MD. Hoping you will have a few minutes to check in.

SMCARA Weekly Net

CQ CQ CQ    The SMCARA weekly net will be held tonight at 1930 on the 146.640 MHz Repeater (Negative Offset, PL 146.2) Located in Lexington Park, MD. Hoping you will have a few minutes to check in.


Calling all Saint Mary’s County Hams: I am contacting amateurs in the area for the purpose of re-organizing/increasing membership in the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES). The Federal Communications Commission recognizes the capability of Amateur Radio by stating its “recognition and enhancement of the value of the amateur service to the public as a voluntary […]

SMCARA Weekly Net

CQ CQ CQ    The SMCARA weekly net will be held tonight at 1930 on the 146.640 MHz Repeater (Negative Offset, PL 146.2) Located in Lexington Park, MD. Hoping you will have a few minutes to check in.

Kit Building

There will be a Kit Building Meeting tonight starting at 1900 on the same Zoom login as the monthly meeting. Information for Zoom will be posted on the reflector.  If you are interested, please stop by.

SMCARA Monthly Meeting

CQ CQ CQ    SMCARA Monthly Meeting will be held tonight at 1930   Everyone interested in the amateur radio hobby is cordially invited to attend the monthly meetings of the St. Mary’s County Amateur Radio Association.  The association meets on the fourth Thursday of each month (except June, November and December) from 7:30 pm to […]

SMCARA Weekly Net

CQ CQ CQ    The SMCARA weekly net will be held tonight at 1930 on the 146.640 MHz Repeater (Negative Offset, PL 146.2) Located in Lexington Park, MD. Hoping you will have a few minutes to check in.

Monthly HAM Breakfast

CQ, CQ, CQ, All members and friends of the St. Mary's County Amateur Radio Association (SMCARA)! Please consider joining me at our local I-Hop this coming Saturday morning 3/4/2023 at 0800. ; - ).  A head count before the weekend would be helpful but not required. Walk in's always welcomed. de W3GYT Walter

Working Party @ Pax Museum

This is more of a planning session for work at the museum.  Meet at the museum in front of the old building at 1000. Contact Pete Butt if you have any questions.